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Launch the current wallet

If you connected your dApp through deep linkining to a Wallet app you can launch that wallet app with the following:


Launch block explorer

You can open the selected chain's block explorer easily:


Send an RPC request

final result = await _w3mService.request(
topic: _w3mService.session?.topic ?? '',
chainId: 'eip155:1', // Connected chain id
request: SessionRequestParams(
method: 'personal_sign',
params: ['Sign this', '0xdeadbeef'],

A list of all available methods can be found in constants.dart file, which is already exported for you to use directly from web3modal package.

List of approved chains by the connected wallet


List of approved methods by connected wallet


List of approved events by the connected wallet


Interact with Smart Contracts

Read function:

Future<List<dynamic>> requestReadContract({
required DeployedContract deployedContract,
required String functionName,
required String rpcUrl,
EthereumAddress? sender,
List<dynamic> parameters = const [],


  1. Create a DeployedContract object
// Create DeployedContract object using contract's ABI and address
final deployedContract = DeployedContract(
jsonEncode([{.....}]), // ABI object
EthereumAddress.fromHex('0xaddress.......'), // Contract address
  1. Read from it by calling a read function
Future<void> getWalletBalance() async {
// Get balance of wallet
final result = await _w3mService.requestReadContract(
deployedContract: deployedContract,
functionName: 'balanceOf',
rpcUrl: 'https://{rpc-url}.com',
parameters: [
EthereumAddress.fromHex('0xaddress....'), // Your address

Future<void> getTotalSupply() async {
// Get token total supply
final result = await _w3mService.requestReadContract(
deployedContract: deployedContract,
functionName: 'totalSupply',
rpcUrl: 'https://{rpc-url}.com',

Write function:

Future<dynamic> requestWriteContract({
required String topic,
required String chainId,
required String rpcUrl,
required DeployedContract deployedContract,
required String functionName,
required Transaction transaction,
String? method,
List<dynamic> parameters = const [],


  1. Create a DeployedContract object (same as before)
// Create DeployedContract object using contract's ABI and address
final deployedContract = DeployedContract(
jsonEncode([{.....}]), // ABI object
EthereumAddress.fromHex('0xaddress.......'), // Contract address
  1. Write to it by calling a write function
Future<void> transferToken() async {
// Transfer 0.01 amount of Token using Smart Contract's transfer function
final result = await _w3mService.requestWriteContract(
topic: _w3mService.session.topic,
chainId: 'eip155:1',
rpcUrl: 'https://{rpc-url}.com',
deployedContract: contract,
functionName: 'transfer',
transaction: Transaction(
from: EthereumAddress.fromHex('0xaddressFrom....'),
to: EthereumAddress.fromHex('0xaddressTo....'),
value: EtherAmount.fromInt(EtherUnit.finney, 10), // == 0.010

Future<void> writeMessage() async {
// Write a message data
final result = await _w3mService.requestWriteContract(
topic: _w3mService.session.topic,
chainId: 'eip155:1',
rpcUrl: 'https://{rpc-url}.com',
deployedContract: contract,
functionName: 'sayHello',
transaction: Transaction(
from: EthereumAddress.fromHex('0xaddressFrom....'),
parameters: ['Hello world!'],

For a complete example app check out the example app for Web3Modal